Thursday, March 20, 2008

When Good Companies Do Bad Things

I.                   Social Responsibility in the Context of Globalization

a.       "Have Companies Become Less Ethical? Or Have Society's Standards Changed?" pg. xiv

b.      "The creation of a worldwide market…led commentators to start treating 'capitalism' and 'democracy' as twinned values." pg. 2

II.                Business as Villain: A Historical Overview

a.       Guilds/Exchanges- "trade-based coffeehouses of the 16th & 17th Centuries.

                                                              i.      "Good reputation is a company asset

                                                            ii.      Good reputations are built up over years and take years to repair, but can be destroyed overnight.

b.      "Boycott" Anecdote- 19th Century Irish Land League refused to work with the agent of an English landlord, Colonel Charles Boycott.

c.       Examples of Companies Caught in Policy Changes/Societal Standards

                                                              i.      1783- Slave Trade

                                                            ii.      1869- Railroads and Robber Barons

                                                          iii.      1890- Imperialistic Corporations: Dole Pineapple takes over Hawaii, United Fruit takes over Honduras, etc. "Banana Republic"

III.             Corporations Today, not just biz, but "Partners of Choice"

a.       Royal Dutch/Shell- "Even if you think you're doing the right thing…"

                                                              i.      Brent Spar- Greenpeace's protest vs. decommissioning North Sea oil storage tank. Eventually towed to Norway.

                                                            ii.      Nigeria- Exploitation of Ogoni tribe and land. Nigerian Security Forces killed 9, including well-known writer Ken Saro-Wiwa.

b.      Unocal- Oil company's presence in Myanmar, Burma, & work w/ Taliban

c.       NestlĂ©- Aggressive marketing of formula vs. Infant Feeding ACT et al.

d.      Texaco- Executive racism turned to Pro-diversity example. "the decision to produce a plan that represented a serious long-term commitment instead of a public relations response." Pg. 46

e.       Union Carbide- Poisonous gas leak in Indian "subsidiary." 2-way Internet.

f.       Nike- Sweatshop conditions in China, Philippines--"Lucky to have a job."

g.      A.H. Robins- Dalkon Shield female contraceptive killed 15 women. Judge

h.      Stepping Over the Line

                                                              i.      Bofors Swedish weapons manufacturer sold Howitzers to India. Rajiv Ghandi is "a thief."

                                                            ii.      Thor Chemicals- British firm in South Africa responsible for Mercury poisoning to workers and local water source.

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Atlanta, GA, United States
Shown in picture top-bottom, left-right: Denis Asonganyi, Carol Sautter, Del Moses, Shawn Butler, Christopher Kittrel, Michael Burke, Kim Parrish, Emily Tsang, Cherie Berkley, Lena Kim, Alaina Inman, Fumu Gakodi, Jaime LaTorre, Caro Katis, Melissa Efferth, Leslie Brown, Bridget Boyer, Rebecca Gould, Stas Garmash, Maggie Mariscal.